Takeout bags are a common type of bag in the catering industry. Thanks to the rise of take-out, take out bags are in growing demand. With the attention of businesses to packaging quality and the diversification of market demand, bag styles from the beginning of t-shirt bag, die-cut handle bag and other simple bag type, upgrade to the current drawstring bag, non-woven bag, insulated bag and so on various styles. Today I'm going to start with the drawstring take out bags.
The material of this bag is usually PE, CPE or EVA. Common sizes on the market are small (30*20+11cm), medium (35*25+11cm), large (40*30+11cm). Drawstring design, easy to seal and carry away. The bottom of the organ makes the bag larger and easier to hold more lunch boxes. We can customize the printing according to your requirements, so that your takeout has a unique style and gives people a fresh look. At the same time, customers can better remember your brand.
In addition to the above advantages, we use brand new materials, bags have no odor, it is safe to use. Strong bearing capacity, not easy to break, do not need to worry about packaging quality problems caused by customer complaints.
If you need take out bags, we look forward to hearing from you.
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